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Counseling for Depression 

Do You Feel Easily Fatigued, Unmotivated, and Alone with Your Feelings and Experiences? 



Difficulties with your child, your partner or your work environment may leave you feeling exhausted, hopeless and uncertain about what's normal and what isn't. You may wonder if your feelings are valid.  You may experience having trouble getting out of bed in the morning or going to sleep at night. The thought of trying to keep up with all of your personal and professional responsibilities may feel overwhelming.


Maybe you’re in a long-term relationship, but feelings of depression have left you feeling unloved, alone or misunderstood. No matter what your partner says or does to show their support, you still feel guilt from not being able to show up for them the way you'd like to. Maybe you haven’t felt like yourself in months or years, but you don’t have the energy to make a change on top of everything else you need to take care of.


Perhaps the thought of letting yourself feel your sad and overwhelmed feelings scares you. Additionally, you may be convinced that you’ll be judged, criticized and even abandoned if you're open and honest about the pain you’re experiencing.  You try to just not feel anything at all but also lose feelings of joy and hopefulness along the way.


The Downward Spiral


 In an attempt to avoid sources of stress and sadness, you may isolate yourself further, which leaves you feeling even more alone and misunderstood. Without healthy coping skills, you may begin to experience an increase in panic attacks, phobias, and physical depression symptoms, like stomach aches, headaches, and chronic fatigue. Many people feel too physically and emotionally exhausted to even think about treatment, let alone commit to counseling for depression. All you can think about is getting back home and lying down in the dark where no one needs anything from you.


You Are Not Alone


Depression is widespread among children, teenagers, and adults. In fact, it’s one of the most common reasons people reach out for therapy. Roughly 8.7 million people are seeking some kind of help on a monthly basis for their depression. And that’s just the people actively seeking treatment. Many people who experience depression never receive a diagnosis, while others avoid outside help and struggle with symptoms on an ongoing basis.


Some people are under the mistaken impression that you can just choose to be happy and get better on your own. Due to these prejudgments and societal stigma surrounding mental health, it can be embarrassing for someone suffering from depression to reach out for help. And when we see “perfect” social media posts from our friends—or articles being shared that misrepresent depression—it can increase feelings of guilt or shame and make it harder to seek outside help.


Some people may not seek help due to a past event, such as a trauma or loss, that is too painful to feel or upsetting to face. Moreover, depression often overlaps with anxiety, and the combination of racing thoughts and a feeling of helplessness makes it more difficult to define and address.


Regardless of the root cause, untreated depression can result in serious health complications, and it’s important to reach out sooner rather than later. Working with an experienced depression therapist can give you the guidance and support you need to feel better about life again.


Counseling for Depression can help foster hope and joy


When you feel perpetually sad and exhausted, reaching out for help may seem like too much to take on. But when you learn skills and strategies to heal depression fully, you can spend less energy “getting by” and invest more of yourself in personal and professional goals and activities. At Georgetown Counseling and Wellness, we provide a safe space where you are free to be yourself and express your feelings and experiences without judgment.


We help you develop the skills and awareness you need to recognize what’s happening in your mind and body. Ultimately, allowing you to break the unhealthy patterns that are keeping you stuck in this negative cycle.

What To Expect


In our first session together, we will meet you where you are in your struggle with depression. We’ll explore how depression is affecting your life and discuss your goals for therapy. We understand that depression affects everyone in a different way, and tailor our approach to your individual needs and goals.


Once we establish the changes you want to see happen, we can develop a plan to help you get there. Throughout our work together, we will incorporate a variety of evidence-based skills and strategies to help you manage depression symptoms and push back on negative thinking that has left you feeling trapped.




Learning mindfulness skills helps you come into the moment, rather than dwelling on painful memories. I will show you how to focus and relax enough to be able to address what’s in front of you. Mindfulness techniques like body centering and breathing/relaxation methods can help you process difficult thoughts and emotions in a healthier, more hopeful way.




ACT helps foster greater mental and emotional flexibility to address the negative thinking patterns and behaviors associated with depression. When you can accept your feelings as they are, and learn tools to shift negative thinking, you can change the way you view the world and your place in it.




EMDR is an evidence-based treatment approach shown to help process trauma. In many cases, the root cause of depression lies in unprocessed trauma, complex trauma, loss, or chronic anxiety. By exploring the factors that are contributing to your depression in a safe, therapeutic space, you can learn to challenge harmful self-beliefs and work through feelings of guilt or self-blame.




Body-centered therapy helps you develop more insight into how your feelings of depression affect you physically. You can learn to recognize where you hold pain or tension in the body so you can alleviate depression symptoms before they become overwhelming.


With support and guidance, you don’t have to suffer any longer. We can help you reach a more positive place and feel connected to yourself again.


You May Have Some Concerns About Depression Therapy …




Sometimes medication can be helpful for depression, but medication isn’t right for everyone. You may want to try counseling for depression before considering medication. We can discuss your options together so you can make the best decision for your unique needs.




Depression therapy is an investment that you make in yourself and in your future. You can be more productive when you feel like yourself—both at work and at home. Consider how much time you spend each week battling with depression. Then consider how much more you could get done if you felt better.




You won’t ever know what therapy can do for you if you don’t try. There’s a reason you feel depressed, and professional support can help you find meaningful, lasting healing. If there’s something that’s holding you back, it’s likely a symptom of a deeper issue. No matter how long you have lived with depression, there is a path to healing. With the right support you can start feeling better.


Counseling for Depression Can Help You Enjoy Living Your Life Again


Contact us for a free 10-minute consultation or appointment to begin the journey to becoming the happiest healthiest you. We are offering in-person and virtual counseling in our Georgetown, TX offices.

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