School Anxiety During Covid-19
The Covid-19 Pandemic and the necessary lock-downs and school closings from last year have been particularly difficult for children to...

COVID19- Living in the Long Haul (Part 2)
Our last blog focused on ways to reassess our situations as we close in on a full year of living within the constraints of a global...

COVID19- Living in the Long Haul (Part 1)
As the global COVID19 pandemic is now almost a year old, it is discouraging to see the growing numbers of infections each day here in the...

Coping with COVID: Holiday Edition
For many of us, December is a month filled with traditions, friends, family, and indulgence. We’ve crafted celebrations unique to our...

Post-Pandemic Cheer: How Happier Holidays Can Happen This Year
The holidays are here again. Yet, depending on how you’re handling the stresses of our tumultuous year, you may be struggling to...

Coping in the Time of Coronavirus
2020 has been a rough year for all of us, and it may feel easiest to sit down after a long day of virtual learning, work, job searching,...

How to Ensure Your Relationship is the Safest Place for Both of You
Months ago, you likely never imagined your sense of safety and security would be rocked the way it’s been by COVID-19. The pandemic has...

Options, Pivots & Unknowns: 7 Tips to Manage Back to School Anxiety
Not so long ago, you and your children may have relaxed in the waning holiday glow of 2019, thinking about the return to school, looking...

Safeguarding Your Mental Wellbeing During the COVID-19 Pandemic
We now find ourselves in the midst of a global pandemic and the uncertainty that goes along with it. Now more than ever it is important...

Supporting and Protecting Your Children’s Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19 means that we all face new and unique challenges. Schools are cancelled, and social distancing measures mean that face to face...